Portree Local History: Comments, Questions and Ideas

A forum to post questions, comments and ideas about the Local History of Portree and the surrounding areas of the Isle of Skye. The Society's main page is at this address. You can add your question here as a comment, or email me and I will add the question as a new topic. The pages will be moderated and unsuitable material will be removed as soon as it is found. We hope this facility will be respected and used.

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Borva Stores" - any ideas?

We've received this enquiry. If anyone can help with Pete's search, please let us know.

I am doing some research for my family genealogy and was wondering if
there is any signifigance to the title such as in an address from the mid

"Borva stores, Portree"

that you might be familiar with?

Kind regards,

Pete Hindy